Urban Eye is an advanced suite of data products, reporting on land cover (including urban tree canopy) for the Perth and Peel regions in Western Australia.
The Urban Eye products were developed by the Data 61 team at CSIRO for the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH) on behalf of the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC), and are generated from CSIRO’s Urban Monitor™ software. Urban Eye products are available to all Western Australian state and local government agencies via Pawsey.
Available data types include:
- Four band multispectral imagery
- Digital surface model
- Ground elevation model
- Vegetation mask: Identifies all green vegetation
- Tree mask: Detects green canopies above two metres
- Grass: Identifies green vegetation at ground level
- Vegetation height: NSM masked to green vegetation only
- Vegetation index: Represents values used to create vegetation masks
Strategic management, procurement, and distribution of Urban Eye products is now coordinated by Landgate as part of the Capture WA program.
For queries, support or Pawsey user-group access, please email Capture WA.