This article was originally published on 05 April 2022 by The Data WA Team
GDA2020: Planned updates to the Shared Location Information Platform
Landgate is leading Western Australia’s Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) implementation.
Through the GDA2020 project Landgate has been working to update, store and maintain all its spatial data using GDA2020 as the primary datum, with work planned to be completed by 30 June 2022. This will enable customers to consume GDA2020-based foundation spatial data by default, reducing the need to perform a datum transformation from GDA94.
The final stage of the project, to be delivered mid-2022, will provide the full implementation of SLIP including data storage, web services and maps. This will mean SLIP subscription services and all other SLIP services will change to GDA2020 as the default datum, but still support transformation to GDA94 and WGS84.
This will complete the GDA2020 project and mean all spatial data will be stored and disseminated in GDA2020 via applications such as SLIP, Map Viewer Plus, Topographic Database as well as all customer facing applications such as Land Enquiry Services.
For advice on web mapping and the use of WGS84 WM please see the ICSM website and GMIWG Advisory on WGS84 and Web Mapping.
For more information on GDA2020 technical implementation and Landgate’s GDA2020 project please see the GDA2020 page on the Landgate website.